Out and About in Petaluma

Stay at home? With so much happening in online streaming platforms, its never been easier. Check out these eight upcoming events and activities in and around Petaluma.|



Recommended for adults and children age 12 and up, this virtual workshop, sponsored locally by Aqus Cafe, will teach you how to fold your own origami Peanuts characters and iconic “objects” (Snoopy’s doghouse, anyone?). The specially designed patterns come from the book “Peanuts Origami: 20+ Amazing Paper-Folding Projects Featuring Charlie Brown and the Gang (from Andrews McMeel Publishing). Participants will have the step-by-step patterns emailed to them, and the live, Zoom-based event will then show how to bring Lucy, Shroeder, Shroeder’s piano, and that famous flying doghouse to life using household materials. Thursday, Jan. 14, 4:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Find log-on information at Aqus.com.


The Village Network of Petaluma and Penngrove has been responding to the pandemic by creating new ways for members (50+) and volunteers to connect with each other, build new friendships, and offer mutual support as opportunities and realities continue to shift and emerge during this unprecedented time. Village membership now offers online services including wellness programs, educational classes and webinars, social events and more. Volunteer services include grocery shopping, prescription pick-ups, and Zoom-platform help with members’ computer issues and the like. To learn about the Village Network, you can join staff for an informational meeting on Thursday, January 21, at 11 a.m., on Zoom or by phone. To register and receive the Zoom-link, call 776-6055 or email info@VillageNetworkofPetaluma.org.


Author, speaker and educator Elad Levinson (“Inspire Me!” “Learn to Dance on Jello”) will be leading a free interactive workshop titled “Spark your Inspiration for 2021” on Thursday, Jan. 21 from 1-3 p.m. Sponsored by Village Network of Petaluma and Penngrove, the two-hour workshop will explore the pursuit and cultivation of inspiration, and will take place on Zoom. Donations to Village Network appreciated. To register and receive a zoom-link to the event, drop an RSVP to info@VillageNetworkofPetaluma,org or call 776-6055.


Those who are feeling overwhelmed by pretty much everything can explore the practice of Yuan Qi Gong, a way to physical and mental fitness designed to bring calm and strength. The Petaluma Parks and Recreation Department brings a weekly Yuan Qi Gong class on Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., online via Zoom. The class leader is Mary Richey, a certified Yuan Qi Gong isntructor. You can register to receive a Zoom link at CityofPetaluma.org.


Electivity, a community partner with Petaluma’s Parks and Recreation Department, offers a variety of virtual classes for kids, including subjects as varied as Fashion Design, Urban Architecture, Aspiring Entrepreneurs and (wait for it) Quantum Physics. These “customized enrichment programs” begin in late January, last several weeks per class, and include tuition fees. Electivitykids.com


Rivertown Poets is a virtual event via Zoom. Every first and third Monday at 6:15 p.m., log onto Aqus’ Zoom system to hear local poets reading from their own work, from the safety of their homes. Each event features two poets reading from their work, and an open mic event. Participants will be able to “sign up” to read. Sandra Anfang hosts. Aqus.com/online. The Zoom link is Zoom.us/j/6508887879.


Beginning Jan. 22, Petaluma’s Cinnabar Theater will present a streaming production of Oscar-winning writer James Lecesne’s (“Trevor”) acclaimed one-character comedy-drama “The Absolute Brightness of Leonard Pelkey,” featuring a virtuoso performance by Mike Pavone, directed by Nathan Cummings. Pavone plays Chuck DeSantis, a New Jersey detective investigating the case of a brave young gay man whose recent death may not be all that it seems. The New Yorker called the play “A whodunit with a heart of gold,” while the New York Times said, “Bravo! Leaves you brimming with joy!” Information at CinnabarTheater.org.



Farmer’s Markets (aka FMs), especially in the COVID-era – where social distancing is the norm and masks are generally agreed to be a good and helpful thing – are a great way to shop, wave at people we know, eat a bag of kettle corn served with a pair of picker-uppers, get to be outdoors and still, you know, take care of one another. Lucchesi Park on Tuesdays is the place to be, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Don’t forget the kettle corn.

(Know of an upcoming event, online or otherwise, that should be in Out & About? Items to be considered should be submitted no later than two weeks in advance to david.templeton@arguscourier.com)

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