Letters to the Argus-Courier, May 26, 2023

Readers share thoughts on Moms Demand Action, Rivertown Poets and police military equipment.|

Moms Demand Action

EDITOR: Thank You.

I wanted to thank both the Press Democrat and the Argus-Courier for covering the most recent Moms Demand Action Rally held here in downtown Petaluma last Saturday.

I would like to specifically thank the PD reporter Andrew Graham and photographer Kent Porter, who covered not only this rally but this growing movement of fed up parents and grandparents with skilled journalistic integrity and compassion.

Our small but mighty group last Saturday may not have all the answers and we are certainly no policy wonks, but we know that the children of this country and those of us that love and care do not deserve to live in fear of them being killed in their classrooms, or while shopping in a mall or grocery store, or while attending an outdoor parade, or while attending a festival or concert, or for ringing the wrong doorbell, or driving down the wrong street, or simply for being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

We are united in our fight, clear with our demands, and motivated by the love of our families and communities and there is absolutely no counter argument to the passion I bring to this movement, because it is motivated by my love for my children and I assure nothing is stronger than a mother's love.

So please text 644-33 to join Moms Demand Action and join us in helping to ensure our children get to grow up free from the fear and anxiety of being shot while simply living theirs lives.

Melissa Zimmermann


Keep police military vehicles

EDITOR: I write in objection to your May 19 editorial denouncing the use of military armored rescue vehicle by Petaluma police. The department has used the vehicle very responsibly and it has proven on the few times it’s been used to be helpful in protecting officers and in rescuing flood victims.

Your editorial sensationalizes its possible misuse, such as referring to “the cost on the community” and police reaction to protests in Austin, Texas — in neither case did the editorial give any evidence that an armored vehicle was used or misused.

Again, the police here have used their vehicle responsibly. I trust our officers, and you should too.

James Fremgen


10 years of poetry

EDITOR: On June 5, Rivertown Poets will celebrate 10 years as a poetry series. Supported from the start by John Crowley and Lesley McCullaugh of the Aqus Café, we began with a sprinkling of poets and listeners, not knowing that our monthly audiences would soon fill the café.

During the pandemic, John continued to support us by providing a Zoom account and regular publicity in the Aqus News. The Argus-Courier has been a great source of support as well, with regular listings that bring new poets and listeners to our doors. We now have a Facebook page, a YouTube channel, and a Sunday afternoon show on Petaluma Community Radio at 103.3 FM and streaming on KPCA.FM.

For the remainder of 2023, we’ll be offering both live and Zoom readings, depending on the proximity of our featured readers. In 2024, we’ll alternate live and Zoom readings every other month.

The community is invited to attend the June 5th anniversary celebration. Poets Gwynn O’Gara and Rebecca Patrascu will be featured, followed by an open mic of up to 20 readers (with a 3-minute maximum for each). We’ll begin promptly at 6:15 p.m. Come early for dinner, good seats and an open mic slot.

Sandra Anfang


Send letters to publisher Emily Charrier at emily.charrier@arguscourier.com.

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