Commentary: Local activists present Gaza ceasefire resolution

“We would like the citizens of Petaluma to judge for themselves the following ceasefire resolution regarding the Israel-Hamas War,” write members of the Petaluma Pro-Ceasefire Coalition.|

We would like the citizens of Petaluma to judge for themselves the following ceasefire resolution regarding the Israel-Hamas War that our group wishes to present to the City Council.

A ceasefire is a necessary step in what will have to be an earnest effort at a political resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. You will see that the resolution asks our local leaders to send this message to our state and federal leaders.

Some have argued that the current war is a federal and not a local issue, but the war has spread, involving our citizens serving in the military.

– The Petaluma Pro-Ceasefire Coalition


WHEREAS, the Petaluma City Council feels deeply the pain of its community caused by the violence in Israel and the Palestinian Territories;

and WHEREAS, all human life is precious, and the City of Petaluma condemns the rise of Antisemitic / anti-Jewish, Islamophobic, Anti-Arab and other racist and xenophobic actions and sentiments in our community, our region and throughout our world;

and WHEREAS, violence in Gaza and the West Bank has already claimed the lives of too many Israelis and Palestinians, and wounded too many more, and the numbers are growing every day, and the majority of the victims are children;

and WHEREAS, millions of lives are at risk if violence continues, peace is not achieved and basic human needs are not met;

and WHEREAS, international organizations like Amnesty International, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, Doctors without Borders, the U.S. Agency for International Development and many others have made a call to end the violence and prevent the further loss of life of civilians and to be in accordance with international humanitarian law;

and WHEREAS, rising tides of hatred have caused our community members to feel silenced, unwelcome and unsafe in the spaces in which they live and work;

and WHEREAS, the government of the United States holds immense power to save Israeli and Palestinian lives;

and WHEREAS, the violence is spreading in the regions surrounding Israel and Palestine and beyond, and the involvement of the United States may put our citizens at risk;

and WHEREAS, the City of Petaluma upholds the principle that “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN, 1948);

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Petaluma advocate for the dignity and safety of residents in every community here and friends and family abroad. AND that the City of Petaluma’s Jewish and Palestinian communities have a right to feel equally protected, heard, and valued.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Petaluma does hereby support: (1) An immediate ceasefire by all parties, an end to all hostilities, and to begin through diplomacy a reinvigorated effort that seeks a permanent, just solution to the conflict and lasting peace in the region; (2) an immediate end to all acts of terrorism and violence against civilians; (3) unconditional release of all hostages and prisoners; (4) unrestricted delivery of humanitarian assistance, and restoration of food, water, electricity, cell phone and internet service and medical supplies.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors and to the offices of Assemblymember Damon Connolly, State Senator Mike McGuire, Governor Gavin Newsom, Representatives Jared Huffman and Mike Thompson, Senator Laphonza Butler, Senator Alex Padilla, President Joe Biden, and Vice President Kamala Harris, urging them to take immediate action to use their position and influence to end the violence.

Beverly Voloshin is a Petaluma resident and professor emerita of English and American literature at San Francisco State. Hanan Huneidi is president of the board of Petaluma Pride and a resident of Penngrove. Steve DeLue is a professor emeritus of political science and a Petaluma resident.

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